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Monday, January 16, 2012

excel keyboard shortcuts

general key command_1

excel keyboard shortcuts, excel shortcuts key, excel shortcuts key command, m/s excel
ctrl + page up ===== from left to right switching between worksheet tabs
ctrl + page down ===== from right to left switching between worksheet tabs
ctrl + shift + ( ===== selected any hidden rows un-hide
ctrl + shift + & ===== selected cell's outline border apply
ctrl + shift + _ (under line) ===== selected cell's outline border remove
ctrl + shift + ~ ===== general number format apply
ctrl + shift + $ ===== two decimal places currency format (negative numbers in parentheses) apply
ctrl + shift + % ===== no decimal places percentage format apply
ctrl + shift + ^ ===== two decimal places scientific number format apply
ctrl + shift + # ===== date (day, month, year) format apply
ctrl + shift + @ ===== time (minute, hour, am/pm) format apply
ctrl + shift + ! ===== two decimal places number (thousands separator,  [-] minus for negative value) format apply
ctrl + shift + * ===== current region with data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns select
ctrl + shift + : ===== current time enter/apply
ctrl + shift + " ===== value from the cell above the active cell into the cell/formula bar copy
ctrl + shift + + (plus) ===== display/view insert dialog box to insert blank cells
ctrl + - (minus) ===== display/view delete dialog box to delete the selected cells
ctrl + ; ===== current date enter/apply
ctrl + ` ===== alternate between displaying worksheet's displaying formulas & cell values 
ctrl + ' ===== from cell above active cell into formula bar/cell copy a formula
ctrl + 1 ===== format cells dialog box display/show
ctrl + 2 ===== bold formatting display/show
ctrl + 3/ctrl + i ===== italic formatting display/show
ctrl + 4 ===== underlining display/show
ctrl + 5 ===== strike through display/show
ctrl + 6 ===== alternates between displaying & hiding objects
ctrl + 8 ===== outline symbols hide/display
ctrl + 9 ===== selected rows hide
ctrl + 0 ===== selected columns hide
ctrl + a ===== entire worksheet select
ctrl + shift + a ===== inserts argument names and parentheses
ctrl + b ===== bold formatting hide/display
ctrl + c ===== copy
ctrl + d ===== fill down command to copy the content
ctrl + f ===== find/replace
shift + f5 ===== repeats last find action
ctrl + shift + f ===== font tab selected format cells dialog box open
ctrl + g/f5 ===== go to dialog box view/display
ctrl + h ===== replace tab selected find and replace box view/display
ctrl + k ===== insert hyperlink dialog box view/display
ctrl + l ===== create table dialog box view/display
ctrl + n ===== new/blank workbook
ctrl + o ===== open
ctrl + shift + o ===== contain comment's cell(s) selects all
ctrl + p ===== print
ctrl + shift + p ===== font tab selected format cells dialog box open
ctrl + r ===== format of the leftmost cell & copy contents fill right command
ctrl + s ===== save
ctrl + t ===== create table dialog box display/show
ctrl + u ===== underline
ctrl + shift + u ===== switch between collapsing & expanding of formula bar
ctrl + v ===== paste
ctrl + alt + v ===== paste special
ctrl + w ===== close 
ctrl + x ===== cut
ctrl + y ===== redo
ctrl + z ===== undo

general key command_2 (function keys)

f1 ===== help
ctrl + f ===== ribbon display/hide
alt + f1 ===== create an embedded chart
alt + shift + f1 ===== a new worksheet insert
f2 ===== edit active cell
shift + f2 ===== cell comment add/edit
ctrl + f2 ===== print preview
f3 ===== available only if there are existing names in the workbook displays the paste name dialog box
shift + f3 ===== insert function dialog box display/view
f4 ===== last action/command repeat
ctrl + f4 ===== closes the selected workbook window.
alt + f4 ===== quite
f5 ===== go to dialog box display/view
ctrl + f5 ===== selected workbook window restore window size
f6 ===== switching between ribbon, task pane, worksheet & zoom controls
shift + f6 ===== switching between task pane, worksheet, zoom controls & ribbon
ctrl + f6 ===== switching to next workbook window
f7 ===== spelling dialog box display/view
ctrl + f7 ===== move command
f8 ===== turn on/off extend mode
shift + f8 ===== enable to add a range/nonadjacent cell
ctrl + f8 ===== size command perform
alt + f8 ===== macro dialog box display/view
f9 ===== all worksheets calculate
shift + f9 ===== active worksheet calculate
ctrl + alt + f9 ===== all worksheets in all open workbooks calculate
ctrl + alt + shift + f9 ===== dependent formulas & then calculate recheck
ctrl + f9 ===== minimize
f10 ===== turn on/off key tips
shift + f10 ===== shortcut menu for a selected item display/view
alt + shift + f10 ===== message for an error checking button/menu display/view
ctrl + f10 ===== restore/maximize selected workbook window
f11 ===== a chart of the data create
shift + f11 ===== new worksheet insert
alt + f11 ===== visual basic open
f12 ===== save as


thanks for the comments & the moment