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Monday, January 16, 2012

adobe premiere pro cs5 and cs5.5 keyboard shortcuts for windows

general key command_1

adobe premiere pro cs5 and cs5.5  keyboard shortcuts for windows, adobe premiere pro keyboard shortcuts for windows,
a ===== track select tool
b ===== ripple edit tool
c ===== razor tool
h ===== hand tool
n ===== rolling edit tool
p ===== pen tool
u ===== slide tool
v ===== selection tool 
x ===== rate stretch tool

y ===== slip tool
z ===== zoom tool

general key command_2

ctrl + shift + , (comma) ===== left activate panels rotation 
ctrl + shift + . (period) ===== right activate panels rotation
shift + 1 ===== project panel
shift + 2 ===== source monitor panel
shift + 3 ===== timeline panel
shift + 4 ===== program monitor panel
shift + 5 ===== effect controls panel
shift + 6 ===== audio mixer panel
shift + 7 ===== effects panel
ctrl + w ===== close active panel
shift + ‘ (accent)/num 1 ===== maximizes panel

general key command_3

tab ===== editable fields navigate
esc ===== capture stop/cancel
0 ===== record on/off
1 ===== select camera 1
2 ===== select camera 2
3 ===== select camera 3
4 ===== select camera 4
e ===== eject
f ===== fast forward
q ===== go to in point
w ===== go to out point
g ===== record
r ===== rewind
left arrow ===== step back
right arrow ===== step forward
s ===== stop 
page down ===== go to next edit point
page up ===== go to previous edit point
spacebar ===== play/stop
left arrow ===== step back
right arrow ===== step forward

general key command_4

ctrl + backspace ===== options selection delete/remove
shift + down arrow ===== down extend selection
shift + left arrow ===== left extend selection
shift + right arrow ===== right extend selection
shift + up arrow ===== up extend selection
down arrow ===== down move selection
end ===== to end move selection
home ===== to home move selection
left arrow ===== left move selection
page down ===== a page down move selection 
page up ===== a page up move selection
right arrow ===== right move selection
up arrow ===== up move selection
shift  + ] ===== thumbnail size next
shift + [ ===== thumbnail size previous
ctrl + click ===== keyframe add
ctrl + k =====  current-time indicator cut
double-click on work area bar ===== set sequence work area bar
alt + [ ===== set in point work area bar
alt  + ] ===== set out point work area bar
g ===== clear in/out points
d ===== in point clear
backspace ===== selection clear
f ===== out point clear
alt + drag in/out point ===== audio/video in/out point independently edit
q ===== go to in point
w ===== go to out point
page down ===== go to next edit point
page up ===== go to previous edit point
shift + end ===== go to selected clip end
shift + home ===== go to selected clip start
end ===== go to sequence end
home ===== go to sequence start
ctrl + 1 ===== go to sequence numbered marker
m ===== match frame
alt + shift  + , ===== 5 frames to the left nudge clip selection
alt  + , ===== one frame to the left nudge clip selection
alt + shift  + . ===== 5 frames to the right nudge clip selection
alt  + . ===== one frame to the right nudge clip selection
ctrl + spacebar ===== from current-time indicator to out point play
shift + spacebar ===== in/out with preroll/postroll play
spacebar ===== toggle play/stop
l ===== normal speed play forward
hold k + l ===== one frame at a time play forward
hold k + l ===== slowly play forward
j ===== normal speed play reverse
hold k + j ===== one frame at a time play reverse
hold k + j ===== slowly play reverse
shift + t ===== sequence reveal nested
alt + backspace ===== ripple erase/delete
i ===== set in point
shift + * (num) ===== next available numbered timeline marker set
o ===== set out point
* (num keypad) ===== unnumbered marker set
down arrow ===== next screen display/show
up arrow ===== previous screen display/show
shift + j ===== left shuttle slow
shift + l ===== right shuttle slow
k ===== stop/off shuttle
alt + shift + left arrow ===== 5 frames to the left slide clip selection
alt + left arrow ===== one frame to the left slide clip selection
alt + shift + right arrow ===== 5 frames to the right slide clip selection
alt + right arrow ===== one frame to the right slide clip selection
alt + drag the clip's video/audio portion with selection tool ===== audio/video independently slip
left arrow ===== step back
shift + left arrow ===== 5 frames-units step back
right arrow ===== step forward
shift + right arrow ===== 5 frames-units step forward
ctrl + click time code hot text ===== available time code display formats toggle
t ===== trim
= ===== zoom in
- ===== zoom out
===== zoom in/out to/from full-sequence view

general key command_5

a ===== arc tool
alt + shift + left arrow ===== decrease kerning by five units
alt + left arrow ===== decrease kerning by one unit
alt + shift + down arrow ===== decrease leading by five units
alt + down arrow ===== decrease leading by one unit
ctrl + alt + shift + left arrow ===== decrease text size by five points
ctrl + alt + left arrow ===== decrease text size by 1-point
e ===== ellipse tool
alt + shift + right arrow ===== increase kerning by five units
alt + right arrow ===== increase kerning by one unit
alt + shift + up arrow ===== increase leading by five units
alt + up arrow ===== increase leading by one unit
ctrl + alt + shift + right arrow ===== increase text size by five points
ctrl + alt + right arrow ===== increase text size by 1-point
ctrl + alt + shift + c ===== insert copyright symbol
ctrl + alt + shift + r ===== insert registered symbol
l ===== line tool
ctrl + t ===== new title
shift + down arrow ===== nudge selected object 5 pixels down
down arrow ===== nudge selected object 1 pixel down
shift + left arrow ===== nudge selected object 5 pixels to the left
left arrow ===== nudge selected object 1 pixel to the left
shift + right arrow ===== nudge selected object 5 pixels to the right
right arrow ===== nudge selected object 1 pixel to the right
shift + up arrow ===== nudge selected object 5 pixels up
up arrow ===== nudge selected object 1 pixel up
p ===== pen tool
ctrl + shift + d ===== position objects to the bottom title-safe margin
ctrl + shift + f ===== position objects to the left title-safe margin
ctrl + shift + o ===== position objects to the top title-safe margin
r ===== rectangle tool
o ===== rotation tool
v ===== selection tool
t ===== type tool
c ===== vertical type tool
w ===== wedge tool

general key command_6

alt + 1 ===== focus on both outgoing and incoming sides
alt + 3 ===== focus on incoming side
alt + 2 ===== focus on outgoing side
alt + shift + left arrow ===== trim backward by large trim offset
alt + left arrow ===== trim backward by one frame
alt + shift + right arrow ===== trim forward by large trim offset
alt + right arrow ===== trim forward by one frame
home ===== (when effect controls panel is active) go to selected clip start 
end ===== (when effect controls panel is active) go to selected clip end 

1 comment:

thanks for the comments & the moment