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Thursday, January 19, 2012

adobe fireworks cs5 keyboard shortcuts for windows

general shortcuts_1

adobe fireworks cs5 keyboard shortcuts for mac, adobe fireworks keyboard shortcuts for mac, adobe fireworks keyboard shortcuts command for mac, adobe fireworks keyboard shortcuts command
ctrl + n ===== new
ctrl + o ===== open
ctrl + shift + o ===== browse in bridge
ctrl + w  =====  close
ctrl + s  =====  save
ctrl + shift + s  =====  save as
ctrl + r  =====  import
ctrl + shift + r  =====  export
ctrl + shift + x  =====  image preview
ctrl + alt + shift + f =====  file info
f12 =====  browser preview
shift + f12 =====  secondary browser preview
ctrl + f12 =====  pages in primary browser preview all 

general shortcuts_2

ctrl + p  =====  print
ctrl + z  =====  undo
ctrl + shift + z =====  redo
ctrl + shift + f8 =====  new button
ctrl + f8  =====  new symbol
ctrl + shift + u  =====  hot spot
shift + alt + u =====  rectangular slice
shift + alt + p =====  polygon slice  
ctrl + f =====  find & replace

general shortcuts_3

ctrl + x  =====  cut
ctrl + c  =====  copy  
ctrl + v  =====  paste
alt +  ctrl  + c =====  html code copy
backspace/delete =====  clear/delete
ctrl + alt + v  =====  paste inside
ctrl + shift + v  =====  paste mask
shift + alt +  ctrl + v =====  paste attributes  
ctrl + d =====  duplicate
shift +  ctrl + d =====  clone

general shortcuts_4

ctrl + = (equal) =====  zoom in 
ctrl + - (minus) =====  zoom out
ctrl + 5 =====  50%
ctrl + 1 =====  100%
ctrl + 2 =====  200%
ctrl + 3 =====  300%
ctrl + 4 =====  400%
ctrl + 8 =====  800%
ctrl + 6 =====  1600%
alt +  ctrl + 0 =====  fit selection
ctrl + 0 =====  fit all
ctrl + l =====  hide selection
shift +  ctrl + l =====  show all
ctrl + ] =====  tool tips
alt +  ctrl + r =====  rulers

general shortcuts_5

ctrl + 2 =====  show grid  
ctrl + shift + 2 =====  snap to grid 
ctrl + alt + g ===== edit guid
ctrl + $ =====  show guides  
alt +  ctrl + $ =====  lock guides 
shift +  ctrl + $ =====  snap to guides  
ctrl + * =====  smart guides show
shift +  ctrl + * =====  snap to smart guides  
shift + alt +  ctrl + * =====  slice guides  
ctrl + h =====  edges

general shortcuts_6

ctrl + a  =====  select all
ctrl + d =====  deselect
ctrl + up arrow =====  super select
ctrl + down arrow =====  sub-select
shift +  ctrl + i =====  inverse select
alt +  ctrl + t =====  trim canvas
alt +  ctrl + f =====  fit canvas
shift + alt + f8 =====  animate selection
f8 =====  symbol convert 
shift + alt +  ctrl + t =====  tween instances

general shortcuts_7

alt +  ctrl + l =====  selection lock
shift + alt +  ctrl + z =====  selection flatten
ctrl + e =====  merge down
shift +  ctrl + up arrow =====  bring front
ctrl + up arrow =====  bring forward
ctrl + down arrow =====  send backward
ctrl +  t  =====  free transform
ctrl  +  shift  +  t  =====  num transform
shift +  ctrl + 9 =====  90° cw rotate 
shift +  ctrl + 7 =====  90° ccw rotate 
ctrl +  f  =====  bring front  
ctrl + shift + f  =====  bring forward  
ctrl + shift + b  =====  send backward  
shift +  ctrl + down arrow =====  send back
alt +  ctrl  + & =====  left
alt +  ctrl + e =====  vertical center 
alt +  ctrl + " =====  right
alt +  ctrl + ' =====  top
alt +  ctrl + ( =====  horizontal center 
alt +  ctrl + - =====  bottom
alt +  ctrl + e =====  widths distribute 
alt +  ctrl + c =====  heights distribute 
ctrl + j  =====  join
ctrl + shift + j =====  split

general shortcuts_8

ctrl + k  =====  snap to pixel  
ctrl + g  =====  group
ctrl + u =====  un-group
shift +  ctrl + , =====  smaller
shift +  ctrl + . =====  larger
cmd + b =====  bold
cmd + i =====  italic
shift + alt +  ctrl + c =====  horizontally centered
shift + alt +  ctrl + r =====  right
shift + alt +  ctrl + j =====  justified
shift +  ctrl + y =====  attach path
shift +  ctrl + p =====  convert paths
shift + f7 =====  check spelling
shift + alt +  ctrl + x =====  plug-in repeat

general shortcuts_9

alt +  ctrl + n =====  duplicate window
tab/f4  =====  panels hide 
ctrl + alt + t =====  tools
ctrl + f3 =====  properties
f6 =====  optimize
ctrl + alt + l =====  layers
ctrl + shift + l =====  common library
ctrl + alt + o =====  pages
ctrl + alt + k =====  states
shift + f10 =====  history
ctrl + alt + j =====  styles
alt + f11 =====  document library
ctrl + alt + u =====  url
ctrl + alt + m =====  color mixer  
ctrl + alt + s =====  swatches
ctrl + alt + i =====  info
ctrl + alt + h =====  behaviors
v/a =====  pointer tool/select behind tool 
a =====  sub-selection tool
m =====  marquee/oval marquee tool 
l =====  lasso/polygon lasso tool
c =====  crop/export area tool
w =====  magic wand tool 
n =====  line tool 
p =====  pen tool 
u =====  rectangle/ellipse/polygon tool 
t =====  text tool
b =====  pencil/brush tool
p =====  vector path/redraw path tool
q =====  scale/skew/distort/9-slice scaling tool
o =====  freeform reshape/area tool tool
additive o =====  path scrubber tool
subtractive o =====  path scrubber tool
i =====  eyedropper tool
g =====  paint bucket/gradient tool
e =====  eraser tool
r =====  blur/sharpen/dodge/burn/smudge tool
s =====  rubber stamp/replace color/red eye removal
y =====  knife tool
j =====  rectangle hot spot/circle hot spot/polygon hot spot tool
k =====  slice/polygon slice tool
h =====  hand tool
z =====  zoom tool
2 =====  hide/show slices
d =====  default stroke & fill colors
x =====  swap stroke & fill colors
f =====  toggle screen mode

general shortcuts_10

down arrow=====  nudge & clone down
shift + down arrow =====  nudge & clone down large
left arrow =====  nudge & clone left
shift + left arrow =====  nudge & clone left large
right arrow =====  nudge & clone right
shift + right arrow =====  nudge &  clone right large
up arrow =====  nudge & clone up
shift + up arrow =====  nudge & clone up large
shift +  ctrl + e =====  bitmap mode exit
page down =====  next page
shift + right arrow =====  next selection
shift + . (period) =====  next state
down arrow =====  nudge down
large shift + down arrow =====  nudge down
left arrow =====  nudge left
shift + left arrow =====  nudge left large
right arrow =====  nudge right
shift + right arrow =====  nudge right large
up arrow =====  nudge up
shift + up arrow =====  nudge up large
ctrl + alt + p =====  play animation
page up =====  previous page
shift +  ctrl + left arrow =====  previous selection
shift + , (comma) =====  previous state

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