general key command_1
ctrl + ` ===== toggle/switching between code workspace and designf5 ===== refresh
f4/tab ===== show/hide all workspace panels
f7 ===== show/hide hud
ctrl + = or ctrl + + (plus) ===== zoom in
ctrl + - (minus) ===== zoom out
ctrl + 0 ===== fit window
ctrl + 5 ===== 50% magnification/zoom
ctrl + 1 / ctrl + alt + 0 ===== 100% magnification/zoom
ctrl + 2 ===== 200% magnification/zoom
ctrl + 4 ===== 400% magnification/zoom
ctrl + 8 ===== 800% magnification/zoom
ctrl + r ===== show/hide ruler
ctrl + ‘ ===== show/hide grid
ctrl + shift + ‘ / ctrl + shift + ; ===== snap grid
ctrl + alt + ; ===== lock guides
ctrl + ; ===== show/hide guides
ctrl + j ===== artboard settings modify/change
ctrl + f ===== code workspace text search
f1 ===== help
general key command_2
ctrl + n ===== new projectctrl + s ===== save
ctrl + shift + s ===== save as
ctrl + alt + s ===== save a copy
ctrl + o ===== open
ctrl + w ===== close
ctrl + enter ===== project run in a browser
ctrl + q ===== exit/quite
general key command_3
ctrl + alt + m ===== apply same propertiesctrl + shift + b ===== new blank state add
ctrl + shift + d ===== state duplicate
ctrl + alt + a ===== from other states share/copy an object
ctrl + del ===== application delete from all states
del (delete)/backspace ===== delete/erase from current state
general key command_4 (tool)
a ===== direct select toolv ===== select tool
h ===== hand tool
q ===== transform (rotate) tool
z ===== zoom tool
t ===== text tool
u ===== rounded rectangle tool
m ===== rectangle tool
l ===== ellipse tool
n or \ ===== line tool
general key command_5
ctrl + shift + u ===== artwork into a button element/component convertctrl + shift + i ===== artwork into a text input element/component convert
ctrl + shift + c ===== artwork into a custom/generic element/component convert
ctrl + e ===== (edit-in-place mode) open a element/component
ctrl + alt + l ===== editable illustrator cs5 artwork open
ctrl + alt + p ===== editable photoshop cs5 artwork open
ctrl + g ===== selected group objects
ctrl + shift + ] ===== bring/send to front
ctrl + shift + [ ===== send/bring to back
ctrl + ] ===== bring/send forward
ctrl + [ ===== send backward
ctrl + alt + 1 ===== left-align
ctrl + alt + 2 ===== horizontal-center
ctrl + alt + 3 ===== right-align
ctrl + alt + 4 ===== top-align
ctrl + alt + 5 ===== vertical-center
ctrl + alt + 6 ===== bottom-align
esc ===== edit-in-place mode cancel/exit
arrow keys ===== 1 pixel nudge
shift + arrows ===== 10 pixels nudge
ctrl + z ===== undo
general key command_6
i ===== toggle/switching eyedropper on/off in a color picker
up/down arrows ===== change numeric values
up/down arrows ===== change numeric values
page up/page down ===== maximum/minimum allowed values jumped
ctrl + alt + i ===== new interaction add
ctrl + shift + p ===== play/stop timeline
ctrl + alt + t ===== smooth transitions add
Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!