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Sunday, January 15, 2012

3d studio max 7 keyboard shortcuts

general key command_1 (snaps action table)

3d studio max 7 keyboard shortcuts, 3d studio max 7 keyboard shortcuts for windows, 3d studio max shortcut, 3d studio max shortcut keys
alt + f10 ===== toggle snap - edge/segment
alt + f8 ===== toggle snap - endpoint
alt + f11 ===== toggle snap - face
alt + f5 ===== toggle snap - grid points
alt + f9 ===== toggle snap - midpoint
alt + f6 ===== toggle snap - pivot
alt + f7 ===== toggle snap - vertex

- = to

general key command_2 (main ui_1)

o ===== adaptive degradation toggle
a ===== angle snap toggle
b ===== bottom view
c ===== camera view
n ===== auto key mode toggle
ctrl + r ===== arc rotate view mode
alt + ctrl + b ===== background lock toggle
, ===== backup time one unit
ctrl + v ===== clone
alt + s ===== active snap type cycle
alt + a ===== alignment
ctrl + f ===== selection method cycle

general key command_3 (main ui_2)

alt + shift + s ===== snap hit cycle
ctrl + l ===== default lighting toggle
. (period) ===== objects/forward time one unit delete
d ===== view port disable
f ===== front view
alt + x ===== display/view see through toggle
8 ===== environment dialog toggle
ctrl + x ===== expert mode toggle
alt + ctrl + f ===== fetch
end ===== go to end frame
home ===== go to start frame
shift + c ===== cameras hide toggle
g ===== grids hide toggle
shift + g ===== geometry hide toggle
shift + h ===== helpers hide toggle
shift + l ===== lights hide toggle
shift + p ===== particle systems hide toggle
shift + s ===== shapes hide toggle
shift + w ===== space warps hide toggle
alt + ctrl + h ===== stay/hold
u ===== isometric user mode/view
l ===== left view
alt + 0 ===== lock user edge/interface toggle
m ===== material editor toggle
alt + w ===== maximize view port toggle
f11 ===== max script listener
ctrl + n ===== new
alt + n ===== normal alignment
ctrl + o ===== open
ctrl + p ===== pan display/view
i ===== pan display/view port
shift + ctrl + p ===== percent snap toggle
p ===== perspective user display/view
ctrl + h ===== highlight place
/ ===== animation play
shift + a ===== quick alignment
shift + q ===== quick render
ctrl + y ===== scene operation redo
shift + y ===== view port operation redo
` ===== all views redraw
f9 ===== render last
f10 ===== render scene dialog toggle
f8 ===== plane restrict cycle
f5 ===== x to restrict
f6 ===== y to restrict
f7 ===== z to restrict
ctrl + s ===== save
ctrl + e ===== scale cycle
ctrl + a ===== select all
page up ===== ancestor select
w ===== move and select
e ===== rotate and select
h ===== name by select
' ===== set key mode
k ===== set keys
f2 ===== shade selected faces toggle
page down ===== child select
ctrl + page down ===== children select
ctrl + i ===== invert select
ctrl + d ===== none select
space ===== lock selection toggle
ctrl + ` ===== show/view floating dialogs
alt + 6 ===== show/view main toolbar toggle
shift + f ===== show/view safe frames toggle
j ===== show/view selection bracket toggle
alt + f2 ===== frozen to snap objects toggle
s ===== snaps toggle
alt + d/f3 ===== snaps use axis constraints toggle
\ ===== sound toggle
shift + i ===== spacing tool
shift + 4 ===== spot/directional light view
insert ===== sub-object level cycle
ctrl + b ===== sub-object selection toggle
t ===== top display/view
x ===== gizmo toggle transform
f12 ===== type in dialog transform toggle
- (minus) ===== gizmo size down transform
= (equal) ===== gizmo size up transform
ctrl + z ===== scene operation undo
shift + z ===== view port operation undo
alt + shift + ctrl + b ===== background image update
f4 ===== view/display edged faces toggle
alt + b ===== background of view port
2 (num pad) ===== down virtual view port pan
4 (num pad) ===== left virtual view port pan
6 (num pad) ===== right virtual view port pan
8 (num pad) ===== up virtual view port pan
/ (num pad) ===== virtual view port toggle
+ (plus) (num pad) ===== zoom in virtual view port
- (minus) (num pad) ===== zoom out virtual view port
f3 =====  smooth and highlights/wire frame toggle
z =====  all selected zoom extents
shift + ctrl + z ===== all zoom extents
alt + ctrl + z ===== zoom extents
alt + shift + ctrl + z ===== 2x zoom in
alt + z ===== zoom mode
alt + shift + z ===== 2x zoom out
ctrl + w ===== zoom region mode
[, ctrl + = (equal) ===== in zoom view port
], ctrl + - (minus) ===== out zoom view port

general key command_4 (track view)

a ===== keys add
ctrl + e ===== ease curve apply
ctrl + m ===== multiplier curve apply
c ===== assign/allocate controller
ctrl + c ===== controller copy
o ===== expand object toggle
enter/t ===== expand track toggle
q ===== filter(s)
space ===== selection lock
l ===== lock tangents toggle
u ===== make controller unique
down arrow ===== move down highlight
up arrow ===== move up highlight
m =====  keys move
left arrow ===== nudge left keys
right arrow ===== nudge right keys
p ===== pan
ctrl + v ===== controller paste
ctrl + down arrow ===== down scroll
ctrl + up arrow ===== up scroll
s ===== frames snap
alt + x ===== horizontal extents keys zoom
z ===== zoom

general key command_5 (material editor)

b ===== background
l ===== back light
x ===== 3x2, 5x3, 6x4 sample slots cycle
g ===== material get
left arrow ===== go backward to sibling
right arrow ===== go forward to sibling
up arrow ===== parent go to
p ===== preview make
o ===== option(s)

general key command_6 (schematic view)

b ===== bookmark add
d ===== display/view floater
p ===== filter(s)
alt + f ===== all free
alt + s ===== selected free
ctrl + i ===== selected nodes invert
alt + c ===== children move
right arrow ===== bookmark next
left arrow ===== bookmark previous
r ===== object's rename
ctrl + a ===== nodes select all
ctrl + c ===== children select
ctrl + d ===== none selection
g ===== show/display grid
ctrl + s ===== shrink toggle
c ===== connect tool use
s ===== select tool use
z ===== selected extents zoom

general key command_7 (active shade)

q ===== close/shut
d ===== region draw
r ===== render
s ===== object select
space ===== toolbar (docked) toggle

general key command_8 (video post)

ctrl + f ===== image filter event add
ctrl + i ===== image input event add
ctrl + l ===== image layer event add
ctrl + o ===== image output event add
ctrl + a ===== new event add
ctrl + s ===== scene event add
ctrl + e ===== current event edit
ctrl + r ===== execute/perform sequence
ctrl + n ===== new/create sequence

general key command_9 (nurbs)

alt + n ===== cv constrained normal move
alt + u ===== cv constrained u move
alt + v ===== cv constrained v move
shift + ctrl + c ===== display/view curves
ctrl + d ===== display/view dependents
ctrl + l ===== display/view lattices
alt + l ===== display/view shaded lattice
shift + ctrl + s ===== display/view surfaces
ctrl + t ===== display/view toolbox
shift + ctrl + t ===== display/view trims
ctrl + h ===== arrange by name local select sub-object
space ===== 2d selection lock
ctrl + right arrow ===== next in u select
ctrl + up arrow ===== next in v select
ctrl + left arrow ===== previous in u select
ctrl + down arrow ===== previous in v select
h ===== arrange by name select sub-object
+ 1 ===== preset 1 set tessellation
alt + 2 ===== preset 2 set tessellation
alt + 3 ===== preset 3 set tessellation
ctrl + s ===== select soft
alt + shift + z ===== switching to curve cv level
alt + shift + c ===== switching to curve level
alt + shift + i ===== switching to imports level
alt + shift + p ===== switching to point level
alt + shift + v ===== switching to surface cv level
alt + shift + s ===== switching to surface level
alt + shift + t ===== switching to top level
ctrl + x ===== degrade transform

general key command_10 (editable poly)

shift + ctrl + b ===== active bevel mode
3 ===== border level
shift + ctrl + c ===== active chamfer mode
shift + ctrl + e ===== connect
shift + x ===== constrain to boundaries/edges
alt + c ===== cut
2 ===== edge/boundaries level
5 ===== element level
shift + e ===== active extrude mode
4 ===== face level
ctrl + page up ===== select grow
alt + i ===== unselected hide
alt + h ===== hide
6 ===== object level
shift + ctrl + q ===== active quick slice mode
; ===== last operation repeat
alt + l ===== edge loop select
alt + r ===== edge ring select
ctrl + page down ===== select shrink
alt + u ===== all un-hide
1 ===== vertex level
shift + ctrl + w ===== active weld mode

general key command_11 (edit/editable mesh)

ctrl + v/b ===== active bevel mode
ctrl + c ===== active chamfer mode
alt + c ===== active cut mode
ctrl + d ===== detach
ctrl + i ===== edge/boundaries invisible
2 ===== edge/boundaries level
ctrl + t ===== edge turn
5 ===== element level
ctrl + e ===== active extrude mode
3 ===== face level
4 ===== polygon level
1 ===== vertex level
ctrl + w ===== select weld
alt + w ===== active weld target mode

general key command_12 (edit normals)

b ===== normal break
ctrl + c ===== normal copy
ctrl + 3 ===== edge/boundaries level
ctrl + 4 ===== face level
e ===== explicit make
ctrl + 1 ===== level normal
ctrl + 0 ===== level object
ctrl + v ===== normal Paste
r ===== normal reset
s ===== normal specify
u ===== normal unify
ctrl + 2 ===== vertex level

general key command_13 (ffd)

alt + shift + c ===== switching to control point level
alt + shift + l ===== switching to lattice level
alt + shift + s ===== switching to set volume level
alt + shift + t ===== switching to top level

general key command_14 (edit poly)

shift + ctrl + b ===== active bevel mode
3 ===== border level
shift + ctrl + c ===== active chamfer mode
shift + ctrl + e ===== connect
shift + x ===== constrain to boundaries/edges
alt + c ===== cut
2 ===== edge/boundaries level
5 ===== element level
shift + e ===== active extrude mode
ctrl + page up ===== select grow
alt + i ===== unselected hide
alt + h ===== hide
6 ===== object level
4 ===== polygon level
shift + ctrl + q ===== active quick slice mode
; ===== last operation repeat
alt + l ===== edge loop select
alt + r ===== edge ring select
ctrl + page down ===== select shrink
alt + u ===== all un-hide
1 ===== vertex level
shift + ctrl + w ===== active weld mode

general key command_15 (physique)

ctrl + c ===== envelope copy
ctrl + d ===== delete/erase
page down ===== next
ctrl + v ===== envelope paste
shift + ===== selection level previous
page up ===== previous
ctrl + e ===== envelopes reset

general key command_16 (unwrap uvw)

ctrl + b ===== vertices break selected
d/ctrl + d ===== detach edge/boundaries verts
ctrl + e ===== uvw's edit
alt + f ===== faces filter selected
ctrl + f ===== select freeze
alt + shift + ctrl + f ===== face selection from stack get
alt + shift + ctrl + p ===== selection from faces get
ctrl + h ===== selected hide
alt + shift + ctrl + l ===== uvw load
space ===== vertices lock selected
alt + shift + ctrl + n ===== horizontal mirror
alt + shift + ctrl + m ===== vertical mirror
alt + shift + ctrl + j ===== horizontal move
alt + shift + ctrl + k ===== vertical move
ctrl + p ===== pan
enter ===== planar map patches/faces
alt + e ===== show/display seams in viewport
ctrl + s ===== snap
- (minus) (num pad)/- ===== select texture vertex contract
+ (plus) num pad/= (equal) ===== select texture vertex expand
q ===== active texture vertex move mode
ctrl + r ===== active texture vertex rotate mode
ctrl + w ===== select texture vertex weld
ctrl + t ===== texture vertex target weld
ctrl + o ===== options unwrap
ctrl + u ===== map update
alt + ctrl + z ===== extents selected zoom
x ===== extents zoom
ctrl + x ===== region zoom
shift + space ===== gizmo zoom
z ===== zoom

general key command_17 (crowd)

s ===== solve

general key command_18 (biped)

alt + ctrl + s ===== leg state change
alt + m ===== changes collapse move all mode
alt + c ===== posture copy
alt + ctrl + f ===== graphs fix
alt + ctrl + l ===== toggle lock selected keys
alt + b ===== posture opposite paste
alt + v ===== posture paste
v ===== biped play
alt + k ===== limb keys reset all
alt + ctrl + e ===== toggle scale in transform
0 ===== key set
alt + r ===== range set
alt + t ===== biped keys in trackbar toggle
alt + d ==== foot step's tv select end
alt + s =====  foot step's tv select entire
alt + a ===== foot step's tv select start

general key command_19 (biped curve editing)

ctrl + a ===== show pos jerk curve/show pos speed curve/show quat curve/show rot accel curve/show rot speed curve/toggle draw every frame/toggle layered edit/pos curve relative to bip root/pos curve relative to world/show pos accel curve/show pos curve/toggle limit quat curve to 180/toggle manipulate subanims/toggle show z/toggle show x/toggle show y/toggle subanims

general key command_20 (reaction manager)

ctrl + i ===== max influence set
alt + i ===== min influence set

general key command_21 (particle flow & particle flow)

; ===== toggle particle emission
6 ===== toggle particle view
shift + ; ===== toggle selected particle emission 
ctrl + c ===== copy selected in particle display/view
ctrl + v ===== paste in particle display/view
ctrl + a ===== particle view select all

general key command_22 {activeshade (scanline)}

p ===== initialize
u ===== update

general key command_23 (radiosity action table and tone operator  |  object display culling  |  walk through  |  macro scripts  |  quad menu sets)

9 ===== lighting panel advanced
alt + o ===== object display/view culling
q ===== toggle accelerate
s/down arrow ===== back
z ===== toggle decelerate
c/shift + down arrow ===== down
w/up arrow ===== forward
] ===== step size increase
a, left arrow ===== left
shift + space ===== level
space ===== vertical rotation lock
alt + [===== step size reset
d/right arrow ===== right
e/shift + up arrow ===== up
ctrl + 1 ===== parameters (tv) add/edit
alt + p ===== cap (poly)
alt + ctrl + c ===== collapse (poly)
alt + 3 ===== collect parameters sv
alt + 4 ===== collect parameters tv
ctrl + c ===== create camera from view
alt + c ===== (poly) cut
alt + e ===== (poly) extrude face 
alt + g ===== geometry selection visibility toggle
alt + q ===== select isolate
ctrl + m ===== (poly) mesh smooth
alt + 2 ===== collector parameter
alt + 1 ===== editor parameter
alt + 5 ===== wiring dialog parameter
0 ===== toggle render to texture dialog
r ===== scale smart
q ===== select smart
ctrl + 5 ===== parameter wiring start
1 ===== level 1 sub-object
2 ===== level 2 sub-object
3 ===== level 3 sub-object
4 ===== level 4 sub-object
5 ===== level 5 sub-object
up arrow ===== active walk through view mode
alt + rmb ===== animation
shift + ctrl + alt + rmb/shift + ctrl + rmb ===== custom
ctrl + alt + rmb ===== render/lighting
ctrl + rmb ===== modeling
shift + alt + rmb ===== reactor
shift + rmb ===== snap
v ===== view port

1 comment:

thanks for the comments & the moment