general shortcuts_1
ctrl + o ===== open
f12 ===== revert
ctrl + w ===== close
ctrl + s ===== save
ctrl + shift + s ===== save as
ctrl + alt + s ===== save a copy
ctrl + shift + alt + s ===== save for web
ctrl + alt + p ===== document setup
ctrl + shift + p ===== page with print setup
ctrl + p ===== quit/exit
general shortcuts_2
ctrl + z ===== undo
ctrl + shift + z ===== redo
ctrl + x ===== cut
ctrl + c ===== copy
ctrl + v ===== paste
ctrl + f ===== paste in front
ctrl + b ===== paste in back
delete ===== clear
general shortcuts_3
ctrl + shift + alt + k ===== keyboard shortcuts
ctrl + k ===== general preference
ctrl + d ===== transform & transform again
ctrl + shift + m ===== transform & move
ctrl + shift + alt + d ===== transform & transform each
ctrl + shift + ] ===== bring to front
ctrl + ] ===== bring forward
ctrl + [ ===== send backward
ctrl + shift + [ ===== sent to back
ctrl + g ===== group
ctrl + shift + g ===== un-group
ctrl + 2 ===== lock & selection
ctrl + alt + 2 ===== unlock all
ctrl + 3 ===== hide & selection
ctrl + alt + 3 ===== show all
ctrl + j ===== path & join
ctrl + alt + j ===== path & average
ctrl + alt + b ===== blend & make
ctrl + alt + shift + b ===== blend & release
ctrl + alt + w ===== warp with envelope distort & make
ctrl + alt + m ===== mesh with envelope distort & make
ctrl + shift + c ===== top object with envelope distort & make
ctrl + shift + v ===== envelope distort & edit contents
ctrl + 7 ===== clipping mask & make
ctrl + alt + 7 ===== compound mask & release
ctrl + 8 ===== compound path & make
ctrl + alt + 8 ===== compound path & release
ctrl + alt + 8 ===== compound path & release
general shortcuts_4
ctrl + alt + shift + m ===== font
ctrl + shift + o ===== create outlines
ctrl + a ===== select all
ctrl + shift + a ===== deselect all
ctrl + 6 ===== re-select
ctrl + alt + ] ===== next object above
ctrl + alt + [ ===== next object below
ctrl + e ===== last filter apply
ctrl + alt + e ===== last filter
ctrl + shift + e ===== last filter apply
ctrl + shift + alt + e ===== last filter with dialog box
ctrl + y (toggle) ===== outline/preview
ctrl + shift + alt + y ===== over print preview
ctrl + alt + y ===== pixel preview
ctrl + + (plus) ===== zoom in
ctrl + - (minus) ===== zoom out
ctrl + 0 (zero) double-click zoom tool ===== fit in window
ctrl + 1 double-click zoom tool ===== actual size (100%)
ctrl + h =====
show/hide edges
ctrl + shift + w =====
show/hide template
ctrl + r ===== show/hide rulers
ctrl + shift + b ===== show/hide bounding box
ctrl + shift + d ===== show/hide transparency grid
ctrl + ; ===== show/hide guides
ctrl + alt + ; ===== lock guides
ctrl + 5 ===== make guides
ctrl + alt + 5 ===== release guides
ctrl + u ===== smart guides
ctrl + '' ===== show/hide grid
ctrl + shift + '' ===== snap to grid
ctrl + alt + '' ===== snap to point
general shortcuts_5
shift + f7 ===== show/hide align
shift f6 ===== show/hide appearance
f11 ===== show/hide attributes
f5 ===== show/hide brushes
f6 ===== show/hide color
f9 ===== show/hide gradient
f8 ===== show/hide info
f7 ===== show/hide layers
shift + f9 ===== show/hide pathfinder
f10 ===== show/hide stroke
shift + f5 ===== show/hide styles
shift + f11 ===== show/hide symbols
shift + f8 ===== show/hide transform
ctrl + shift + f10 ===== show/hide transparency
ctrl + t ===== show/hide character palette
ctrl + m ===== show/hide paragraph palette
ctrl + shift + t ===== tab ruler palette
f1 ===== help
Good job!! This so cool
ReplyDeletevery goooooooooooooooood