general shortcuts_1
alt + tab ===== switching next window
alt + shift + tab ===== switching previous window
ctrl + w/ctrl + f4 ===== close
ctrl + f5 ===== restore active window
f6 ===== move/go to task pane from another pane
general shortcuts_2
ctrl + shift + f ===== font change
ctrl + shift + p ===== font size change
ctrl + shift + > ===== increase selected text font size
ctrl + shift + < ===== decrease selected text font size
left arrow ===== one character to left move
right arrow ===== one character to right move
up arrow ===== one line up move
down arrow ===== one line down move
ctrl + left arrow ===== one word to left move
ctrl + right arrow ===== one word to right move
end ===== end of a line move
home ===== beginning of a line move
ctrl + up arrow ===== one paragraph move up
ctrl + down arrow ===== one paragraph move down
ctrl + end ===== a text box move to end
ctrl + home ===== a text box move to beginning
ctrl + enter ===== move to body text placeholder/next title
shift + f4 ===== last find/search action repeat