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Monday, March 5, 2012

bash shortcut keys for ubuntu, debian, suse, redhat, linux

general keyboard shortcuts_1

bash shortcut keys, bash shortcut keys for ubuntu, debian, linux, redhat, suse, bash shortcut keys command, bash shortcut key, bash shortcut key command,
tab ===== files & folders name auto complete
ctrl + a ===== start of the line move/jump/go
ctrl + b ===== a/one char/character move/go back
alt + b ===== a/one word move/go back
ctrl + c ===== whatever running command/task terminate/kill 
ctrl + d ===== from under cursor exit current shell/delete
ctrl + e ===== end of the line move/jump/go
ctrl + f ===== a/one character move/go forward
alt + f ===== a/one word move/go forward
ctrl + h ===== a/one character backspace/delete backward
ctrl + k ===== after the cursor clear/delete line
ctrl + l ===== screen/similar clear/delete
ctrl + r ===== search/find backward history/previously used commands
alt + r ===== all changes to the line undo
ctrl + t ===== before the cursor swap the last two characters
esc + t ===== before the cursor swap the last two words
ctrl + u ===== from cursor to start/beginning of the line delete/clear
ctrl + w ===== word before the cursor delete/clear
ctrl + x/ctrl + u ===== undo
ctrl + y ===== paste
ctrl + z ===== suspend/stop command
ctrl + x + x ===== move/go between current cursor position
ctrl + x + @ ===== possible hostname completions show/view
alt + ] + x ===== moves the cursor forward to the next occurrence
alt + ctrl + ]  + x ===== moves the cursor backwards to the previous occurrence
esc + del ===== previous word delete/clear

general keyboard shortcuts_2 

alt + < ===== start/first line in the history move/go
alt + > ===== end/last line in the history move/go
alt + / ===== file name attempt complete
alt + ? ===== current completion list show/view
alt + * ===== all possible completions insert/add
alt + . (dot) ===== pull last argument to previous command
alt + c ===== word capitalize/block
alt + d ===== word delete/clear
alt + f ===== forward
alt + l ===== word lowercase
alt + n ===== find history forwards
alt + p ===== find history backwards
alt + r ===== recall command
alt + t ===== words around move/go
alt + u ===== uppercase
alt + backspace ===== from cursor delete backward

general keyboard shortcuts_3

$ + / + tab + tab ===== total directory structure hidden one on
$ + tab + tab ===== only sub directories inside hidden one on
$ + tab + tab ===== all available commands
$ + * + tab + tab ===== only sub directories inside hidden one off
$ + ~ + tab + tab ===== present all users on system from "/etc/password"
$ (string) + tab + tab ===== available all commands
$ + $ + tab + tab ===== sys variables
$ + @ + tab + tab ===== entry "/etc/hosts"
$ + = + tab + tab ===== output ls/dir

1 comment:

thanks for the comments & the moment