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Sunday, March 11, 2012

mac os x keyboard shortcuts

keyboard shortcuts-1 (startup)

apple logo
opt ===== display/view (all boot-able volumes) startup manager
===== perform/start safe mode in start up
===== start/begin a dvd/cd boot-able disc
===== start/begin fire-wire disk mode
===== start/begin netboot server
===== force mac os x startup
cmd + v
===== start/begin verbose mode
cmd + s
===== start/begin single user mode

keyboard shortcuts-2 (finder)

cmd + a ===== select all
opt + cmd + a
===== deselect all
shift + cmd + a ===== applications folder open
cmd + c ===== copy
shift + cmd + c
===== computer window open
cmd + d ===== duplicate (copy)
shift + cmd + d
===== desktop folder open
cmd + e ===== eject/drive out
cmd + f
===== find/search
shift + cmd + f
===== find/search attention/spotlight file
opt + cmd + f
===== navigate to find/search field
shift + cmd + g
===== go to
shift + cmd + h ===== home folder open
cmd + i ===== get/view info
opt + cmd + i
===== display/show inspector
ctrl + cmd + i
===== get/view summary info
shift + cmd + i
===== idisk open
cmd + j ===== view options show/display
cmd + k ===== connect server
shift + cmd + k
===== network window open
cmd + l ===== make/create alias selected item
cmd + m
===== minimize window
opt + cmd + m
===== all windows minimize
cmd + n ===== new finder window
shift + cmd + n
===== new folder create
opt + cmd + n
===== new smart folder create
cmd + o
===== selected item open
shift + cmd + q ===== log out/off
opt + shift + cmd + q
===== log out/off immediately
cmd + r
===== original (alias) show/display
cmd + t ===== add sidebar
shift + cmd + t
===== add favorite
opt + cmd + t
===== hide toolbar/show toolbar
shift + cmd + u
===== utilities folder open
cmd + v ===== paste
cmd + w
===== close
opt + cmd + w ===== close all
cmd + x
===== cut
opt + cmd + y
===== slideshow
cmd + z
===== undo & redo
cmd + 1
===== view as icon
cmd + 2
===== view as list
cmd + 3
===== view as columns
cmd + 4
===== view as cover flow
cmd + ,
===== finder preferences open
cmd + ===== cycle through finder windows open
cmd + shift +? ===== help
opt-shift-cmd + esc (hold/stay 3 seconds)
===== force quit
cmd + [
===== back
cmd + ]
===== forward
cmd + up arrow
===== enclosed folder open
ctrl + cmd + up arrow ===== enclosed folder in a new window open
cmd + down arrow ===== highlight item open
cmd + tab ===== cycle forward switch application 
shift + cmd + tab ===== cycle backward switch application
cmd + delete ===== move/delete to trash
shift + cmd + delete
===== empty/clean trash
opt + shift + cmd + delete
===== empty/clean trash immediately
spacebar/cmd + y
===== quick look
command key while dragging
===== move item to other volume/location
opt key while dragging
===== copy dragged item
opt + cmd key both while dragging
===== make alias of dragged item

keyboard commands-3 (application & other)

cmd + space ===== show/hide spotlight search/find field
ctrl + a
===== move/go to beginning of line/paragraph
ctrl + b
===== move/go one character backward
ctrl + d
===== front of the cursor character delete
ctrl + e ===== move/go to end of line/paragraph
ctrl + f
===== move/go one character forward
ctrl + h
===== delete character behind the cursor
ctrl + k
===== delete character in front of the cursor
ctrl + l
===== visible area center cursor/selection
ctrl + n
===== move/go to down one line
ctrl + o
===== after the cursor insert a new line
ctrl + p
===== move/go to up one line
ctrl + t
===== character transpose
ctrl + v ===== move/go down one page
opt + delete
===== cursor left side word delete
opt + cmd + space ===== spotlight/highlight search result window view/display
cmd + tab
===== move/go forward next newly/recently used application
shift + cmd + tab
===== move/go backward during a list of open application
shift + tab
===== navigate during/through control
ctrl + tab ===== move/go spotlight next grouping of control/table
shift + ctrl + tab
===== move/go focus previous grouping of control
cmd + esc
===== front row open
opt + eject
===== eject/remove secondary optical media drive
ctrl + eject
===== show/display shutdown dialog box
opt + cmd + eject
===== sleep
ctrl + cmd + eject
===== quit/exit all applications, without saving chance
ctrl opt + cmd + eject
===== quit/exit all applications with saving chance
fn + delete ===== forward delete
ctrl + f1
===== toggle full keyboard access on/off
ctrl + f2
===== move/go focus menu bar
ctrl + f3
===== move/go focus dock
ctrl + f4
===== move/go focus next active window
shift + ctrl + f4
===== move/go focus previously active window
ctrl + f5
===== move/go focus toolbar
ctrl + f6
===== move/go focus first/next panel
shift + ctrl + f6
===== move/go focus previous panel
ctrl + f7
===== override current keyboard access mode in windows temporarily
===== all open windows tile/untile
f10 ===== currently active application tile/untile all open windows
===== all open windows hide/show
f12 ===== hide/show dashboard
cmd + ` 
===== activate next open window
shift + cmd + ` 
===== activate previous open window
opt + cmd + ` 
===== move/go focus window drawer
cmd +  - (minus)
===== decrease size
cmd + { 
===== left-align
cmd + } 
===== right-align
cmd + |
===== center-align
cmd + :
===== display/view spelling window
cmd + ;
===== find/search misspelled words
cmd + ,
===== front application's preferences window open
opt + ctrl + cmd + ,
===== decrease screen contrast
opt + ctrl + cmd + .
===== increase screen contrast
cmd + ?
===== application's help viewer
opt + cmd + /
===== font smoothing on/off
shift + cmd + =  
===== increase size
shift + cmd + 3
===== capture file screen
shift + ctrl + cmd + 3
===== capture clipboard screen
shift + cmd + 4
===== capture a selected file
shift + ctrl + cmd + 4
===== capture a selected clipboard
cmd + a
===== highlight every item in a document/window/all characters
cmd + b
===== boldface selected text on/off
cmd + c
===== copy
shift + cmd + c
===== display colors window
opt + cmd + c
===== copy style of a selected text
ctrl + cmd + c
===== copy formatting of the selected object & store on the clipboard
opt + cmd + d
===== show/hide dock
cmd + ctrl + d
===== display definition
cmd + d
===== select desktop folder (save & open dialog)
cmd + delete
===== selects "don't save"
cmd + e
===== use the selection for a search/find
cmd + f
===== find window
opt + cmd + f
===== move/go to search/find field control
cmd + g
===== find/search next occurrence
shift + cmd + g
===== find/search previous occurrence
cmd + h
===== hide windows current running programs
opt + cmd + h
===== hide windows of all other running programs

cmd + i ===== italic text on/off

opt + cmd + i ===== inspector window display/view
cmd + j ===== selection scroll
cmd + m ===== active window to the dock minimize
opt + cmd + m
===== active application to the dock minimize all windows
cmd + n ===== create a new document
cmd + o
===== open
cmd + p ===== print
shift + cmd + p
===== display page setup with specifying printing parameters
cmd + q
===== quit
cmd + s
===== save
shift + cmd + s
===== save as
cmd + t
===== fonts window display/view
opt + cmd + t ===== toolbar show/hide
cmd + u ===== underline on/off
cmd + v
===== paste
opt + cmd + v
===== paste style
opt + shift + cmd + v
===== paste and match style
ctrl + cmd + v
===== paste ruler command
cmd + w
===== close
shift + cmd + w
===== file with associated windows close
opt + cmd + w ===== close all windows
cmd + x ===== clipboard remove selection & store
cmd + z
===== undo
shift + cmd + z
===== redo
ctrl + right arrow/
ctrl + left arrow/ctrl + down arrow/ctrl + up arrow ===== move/go to cell within a view/another value
cmd + right arrow ===== text insertion point to the end of the current line move/go
cmd + left arrow
===== text insertion point to the beginning of the current line move/go
cmd + down arrow ===== text insertion point to the end of the document move/go
cmd + up arrow ===== text insertion point to the beginning of the document move/go
shift + cmd + right arrow ===== insertion point & end of the current line select text
shift + cmd + left arrow ===== insertion point & beginning of the current line select text
shift + right arrow ===== one character to the right extend text selection
shift + left arrow ===== one character to the left extend text selection
shift + cmd + up arrow ===== insertion point & beginning of the document select text
shift + cmd + down arrow ===== insertion point & end of the document select text
shift + up arrow ===== extend text selection to the line above
shift + down arrow
===== extend text selection to the line below
shift + opt + right arrow
===== extend text selection to the end of the current word
shift + opt + left arrow
===== extend text selection to the beginning of the current word
shift + opt + down arrow
===== extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph
shift + opt + up arrow
===== extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph
ctrl + space
===== current & previous input sources toggle
opt + ctrl + space ===== enabled input sources toggle through all
opt + cmd + esc ===== force exit/quit

keyboard commands-4 (universal access - voiceover)
cmd + f5/fn cmd + f5 ===== on/off turn voiceover
ctrl  + opt + f8/fn  + ctrl  + opt + f8 ===== voiceover utility open
ctrl  + opt + f7/fn  + ctrl opt + f7 ===== voiceover menu display/view
ctrl  + opt + ;/fn  + ctrl  + opt + ;  ===== voiceover control option-lock enable/disable
opt + cmd + 8/fn + cmd + f11 ===== zoom turn on
opt + cmd + + (plus) ===== zoom in
opt + cmd +  - (minus)
===== zoom out
opt + ctrl + cmd + 8
===== screen colors invert/revert
ctrl  + opt + cmd + , ===== reduce contrast
ctrl + opt + cmd + .
===== increase contrast

key command-5 (universal access - mouse keys)
8 ===== move up
===== move down
===== move left
===== move right
===== move crosswise bottom left
===== move crosswise bottom right
===== move crosswise top left
===== move crosswise top right
===== mouse button press
0 ===== mouse button hold
. (period on number pad) ===== mouse button release hold


thanks for the comments & the moment