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Monday, June 11, 2012

photoshop cs5 keyboard shortcuts for mac opperating

general keyboard command_1 (tools)

photoshop cs5 logo, mac photoshop cs5 keyboard shortcuts, photoshop cs5 mac,
a ===== path selection tool/direct selection tool
b ===== brush tool/pencil tool/color replacement tool/mixer brush tool
c ===== crop tool/slice tool/slice select tool
d ===== default foreground and background colors
e ===== eraser tool/background eraser tool/magic eraser tool
f ===== rotation/switching screen mode
g ===== gradient tool/paint bucket tool
h ===== hand tool
i ===== eyedropper tool/sampler tool/ruler tool/note tool/count tool
j ===== spot healing tool/healing brush tool/patch tool/red eye tool
k ===== object rotate tool/3d object roll tool/3d object pan tool/3d object slide tool/3d object scale tool
l ===== lasso tool/polygonal lasso tool/magnetic lasso tool
m ===== rectangular marquee tool/elliptical marquee tool/single row marquee tool/single column marquee tool
n ===== camera rotate tool/3d roll camera tool/3d pan camera tool/3d walk camera tool/3d zoom camera tool
o ===== dodge tool/burn tool/sponge tool
p ===== pen tool/freeform pen tool/add anchor point tool/delete anchor point tool/convert point tool
q ===== quick mask mode on and off
r ===== rotate view tool

s ===== clone stamp tool/pattern stamp tool
t ===== horizontal type tool/vertical type tool/horizontal type mask tool/vertical type mask tool
u ===== rectangle tool/rounded rectangle tool/ellipse tool/polygon tool/line tool/custom shape tool
v ===== move tool
w ===== quick selection tool/magic wand tool
x ===== switching foreground and background colors
y ===== history brush tool/art history brush tool
z ===== zoom tool
no shortcut command ===== blur tool/sharpen tool/smudge tool 
+ (plus) ===== add shape
- (minus) ===== subtract shape
/ (slash) ===== preserve transparency toggle/switching
[ ===== brush size decrease/reduce
] ===== brush size increase/enlarge
shift + [ ===== brush softness 25% decrease/reduce
shift + ] ===== brush hardness 25% increase/enlarge
< ===== previous/before brush
> ===== next/after brush
shift + < ===== 1st brush
shift + > ===== end brush
1 to 0 ===== (+/-) 10% to 100% tool opacity
shift + 1 to 0 ===== (+/-) 10% to 100%  flow/airbrush opacity
space ===== toggle/switching hand tool
cmd + space ===== toggle/switching zoom in 
opt + space ===== toggle/switching zoom out
shift + a ===== cycle/switching path tool to direct selection etc. tool
shift + b ===== toggle/switching brush tool to pencil etc. tool
shift + e ===== cycle/switching eraser tool to etc. tool
shift + f ===== show/hide menu bar
shift + g ===== toggle gradient tool/paint bucket tools
shift +  i ===== cycle eyedropper tool/sampler tool/measure tool
shift + j ===== cycle healing tool, patch tool, color replace tool
shift + k ===== toggle/switching 3d tool to etc. tool
shift + l ===== cycle/switching lasso tool to etc. tool
shift + m ===== toggle/switching rectangular/elliptical marquee
shift + n ===== toggle/switching 3d camera tool to etc. tool
shift + o ===== cycle/switching dodge tool/burn tool/sponge tool
shift + p ===== toggle/switching pen tool/freeform pen tool
shift + s ===== toggle/switching clone stamp tool/pattern stamp tool
shift + t ===== cycle/switching type tool
shift + u ===== cycle/switching shape tool
shift + y ===== toggle/switching history brush tool

general keyboard command_2

01-09 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 1-9%
1 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 10%
2 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 20%
3 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 30%
4 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 40%
5 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 50%
6 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 60%
7 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 70%
8 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 80%
9 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 90%
0 ===== layer/tool opacity (+/-) 100%
~ ===== toggle/switching channel/rubylith view/displaybackspace ===== selection clear
return ===== show options/brushes palette
tab ===== show/hide toolbar & palette
↑ (up arrow) ===== move selection area 1px up
↓ (down arrow) ===== move selection area 1px down
← (left arrow) ===== move selection area 1px left
→ (right arrow) ===== move selection area 1px right
home ===== move display/view top left
end ===== move display/view bottom right
page up ===== scroll/page up
page down ===== scroll/page down

general keyboard command_3 (miscellaneous)

f1 ===== help
shift + f1 ===== about photoshop
return / enter ===== yes/operation accept
esc / cmd + . (period) ===== no/operation cancel
shift + return =====  apply & keep zoom field active

general keyboard command_4 (file)

cmd + shift + o ===== file browser
cmd + opt + i ===== file info
cmd + n ===== new document
cmd + opt + n ===== last settings new document
cmd + o ===== open
cmd + opt + o ===== open as
cmd + w ===== close
cmd + opt + w ===== close all
cmd + shift + m ===== image-ready edit
cmd + q ===== quit/exit
cmd + shift + p ===== page setup
cmd + p ===== print
cmd + opt + shift + p ===== print one copy
cmd + opt + p ===== print with preview
f12 ===== revert
cmd + s ===== save
cmd + shift + s ===== save as
cmd + opt + s ===== save as copy
cmd + opt + shift + s ===== save for web

general keyboard command_5 (edit)

delete/backspace ===== selection clear 
cmd + shift + k ===== color settings
cmd + c ===== copy
cmd + shift + c ===== copy merged
cmd + x ===== cut
cmd + opt + t ===== duplicate free transform
cmd + opt + shift + t ===== duplicate transform again
cmd + shift + f ===== fade with last filter/adjustment
shift + backspace ===== fill dialog
cmd + opt + backspace ===== fill/apply history
cmd + opt + shift + backspace ===== fill/apply history & preserve transform
cmd + shift + backspace ===== fill/apply background & preserve transform
opt + shift + backspace ===== fill/apply foreground & preserve transform
cmd + backspace ===== fill/apply background color
opt + backspace ===== fill/apply foreground color
cmd + t ===== free transform
opt + shift + cmd + k ===== keyboard shortcuts
cmd + v ===== paste
cmd + shift + v ===== paste into
cmd + opt + shift + v ===== paste outside
cmd + k ===== preferences
cmd + opt + k ===== last used preferences
cmd + opt + shift + m ===== preset manager
cmd + shift + ' ===== purge all
cmd + opt + shift + ' ===== purge all without dialog
cmd + opt + z ===== history step backward
cmd + shift + z ===== history step forward
cmd + opt + h ===== stroke
cmd + shift + t ===== transform again
cmd + z ===== undo/redo (one time)

general keyboard command_6 {image (adjustments)}

cmd + shift + b ===== auto color
cmd + opt + shift + l ===== auto contrast
cmd + shift + l ===== auto levels
cmd + opt + shift + c ===== canvas size
cmd + b ===== color balance
cmd + opt + b ===== color balance (last settings)
cmd + opt + c ===== crop
cmd + m ===== curves
cmd + opt + m ===== curves (last settings)
cmd + shift + u ===== desaturate
cmd + shift + w ===== duplicate
cmd + opt + shift + w ===== duplicate without dialog
cmd + u ===== hue/saturation
cmd + opt + u ===== hue/saturation (last settings)
cmd + opt + shift + i ===== image size
cmd +  i ===== invert
cmd + l ===== levels
cmd + opt + l ===== levels (last settings)
cmd + opt + r ===== reveal all
cmd + opt + shift + r ===== arbitrary rotate
cmd + opt + shift + 0 ===== canvas 90° ccw rotate
cmd + shift + 0 ===== canvas 90° cw rotate
cmd + shift + / ===== shadow/highlight
cmd + opt + shift + / ===== shadow/highlight (last settings)
cmd + opt + y ===== trim

general keyboard command_7 (type)

cmd + shift + l ===== align left
cmd + shift + r ===== align right
cmd + shift + b ===== bold on/off
cmd + shift + c ===== center text
cmd + opt +  ←,  →  ===== change kerning 100/1000em
opt +  ←,  →  ===== change kerning 20/1000em
cmd + opt + shift +  ↑, ↓  ===== baseline 10pt decrease/increase
opt + shift +  ↑, ↓ ===== baseline 2pt decrease/increase
cmd + opt +  ↑, ↓  ===== leading 10pt decrease/increase
opt +  ↑, ↓ ===== leading 2pt decrease/increase
cmd + opt + shift +  <, > ===== type size 10pt decrease/increase
cmd + shift +  <, > ===== type size 2pt decrease/increase
cmd + opt + shift + h ===== hyphenation
cmd + shift + i ===== italic 
cmd + shift + f ===== justify paragraph 
cmd + shift + j ===== justify paragraph & left align last line
cmd +  ←, → ===== one word left & right move cursor
end ===== end of line move cursor
cmd + end ===== end of story move cursor
home ===== start of line move cursor
cmd + home ===== start of story move cursor
cmd +  ↑, ↓ ===== previous/next paragraph move cursor
cmd + shift + y ===== regular
shift +  ←,  → ===== one character to left/right select
cmd + shift +  ↑, ↓ ===== one line up/down select
shift +  ↑, ↓ ===== one line up/down select
cmd + shift +  ←, → ===== one word to left/right select
shift + end ===== type to end of line select
cmd + shift + end ===== type to end of story select
shift + home ===== type to start of line select
cmd + shift + home ===== type to start of story select
cmd + shift + x ===== set horizontal scale 100%
cmd + opt + shift + a ===== set leading auto
cmd + shift + q ===== set tracking 0
cmd + alt + shift + x ===== set vertical scale 100%
cmd + h ===== show/hide type
cmd + shift + h ===== small caps letter
cmd + shift + / ===== strike through
cmd + opt + shift + + (plus) ===== subscript
cmd + shift + + (plus) ===== superscript
cmd + opt + shift + t ===== single/every-line composer toggle
cmd + shift + u ===== underlining
cmd + shift + k ===== uppercase
esc ===== cancel
cmd + return / enter ===== type changes commit

general keyboard command_8 (select)

cmd + a ===== select all
cmd + opt + shift + b ===== color range
cmd + opt + a ===== contract selection
cmd + d ===== deselect
cmd + shift + a ===== expand selection
cmd + opt + d / shift + f6 ===== feather
cmd + shift +  i ===== inverse
cmd + opt + shift +  ←, ↑, →, ↓ ===== duplicate selection 10px move
cmd + opt +  ←, ↑, →, ↓ ===== duplicate selection 1px move
cmd + shift +  ←, ↑, →, ↓ ===== selection 10px move
cmd +  ←, ↑, →, ↓ ===== selection 1px move
shift +  ←, ↑, →, ↓ ===== selection area 10px move
←, ↑, →, ↓ ===== selection area 1px move
cmd + shift + d ===== reselect
cmd + opt + shift + a ===== transform selection

general keyboard command_9 (layer)

cmd + opt + shift + o ===== blending options
cmd + ] ===== bring forward
cmd + shift + ] ===== bring front
cmd + g ===== make clipping mask
cmd + shift +  - (minus) ===== delete layer set
cmd + opt + shift +  - (minus) ===== without dialog delete layer set
cmd + shift + q ===== duplicate layer set
cmd + opt + shift + q ===== without dialog duplicate layer
cmd + opt + shift + f ===== flatten image
01 to 09 ===== 1 to 9% layer opacity
1 to 0 ===== 10 to 100% layer opacity
cmd + opt +  / ===== layer properties
cmd + j ===== layer via copy
cmd + opt + j ===== with dialog layer via copy 
cmd + shift + j ===== layer via cut
cmd + opt + shift + j ===== with dialog layer via cut
cmd + e ===== linked/grouped merge down
cmd + shift + e ===== merge visible
cmd + shift + n ===== new layer
cmd + opt + shift + n ===== without dialog new layer
cmd + shift + +  (plus) ===== new layer set
cmd + opt + shift + + (plus) ===== without dialog new layer set
opt + ] ===== next layer
opt + [ ===== previous layer
cmd + shift + g ===== release/cancel clipping mask
opt + shift + [ ===== bottom layer select
opt + shift + ] ===== top layer select
cmd + [ ===== send backward
cmd + shift + [ ===== send back
cmd + opt + e ===== stamp down
cmd + opt + shift + e ===== stamp visible

general keyboard command_10 (filter)

cmd + opt + shift + z ===== add noise
cmd + opt + x ===== extract
cmd + opt + shift + d ===== filter gallery
cmd + opt + shift + g ===== gaussian blur
cmd + f ===== last filter
cmd + opt + f ===== last filter dialog box
cmd + shift + x ===== liquify
cmd + opt + shift + x ===== pattern maker
cmd + opt + shift + u ===== unsharp mask

general keyboard command_11 (view)

cmd + opt + 0 ===== actual pixels
cmd + opt + shift +  ; ===== clear guides
cmd + h ===== show/hide extras
cmd + 0 ===== fit on screen
cmd + shift + y ===== gamut warning
cmd +  ' ===== show/hide grid
cmd + opt +  ; ===== lock/unlock guides
cmd +  ; ===== show/hide guides
cmd + opt + g ===== new guide
cmd + opt + shift + y ===== new window
cmd + y ===== with cmyk preview proof colors 
cmd + r ===== show/hide rulers
cmd + shift + ; ===== on/off snap
cmd + shift + h ===== show/hide target path 
cmd + + (plus) ===== zoom in
cmd + opt + + (plus) ===== zoom in (re-size window)
cmd + - (minus) ===== zoom out
cmd + opt + - (minus) =====zoom out (re-size window)

general keyboard command_12 (window)

tab ===== all palettes show/hide
shift + tab ===== tool bar & palettes show/hide
f9 ===== actions palette show/hide
f5 ===== brushes palette show/hide
f6 ===== color palette show/hide
f10 ===== history show/hide
f8 ===== info palette show/hide
f7 ===== layers palette show/hide
f4 ===== options show/hide
f11 ===== styles show/hide
return / enter ===== options/brushes palette show

general keyboard command_13 (navigation)

end ===== bottom right move view
home ===== top left move view
cmd + tab ===== next document
cmd + shift + tab ===== previous document
shift + page down ===== 10px scroll view down
page down ===== one page scroll view down
cmd + shift + page up ===== 10px scroll view left
cmd + page up ===== one page scroll view left
cmd + shift + page down ===== 10px scroll view right
cmd + page down ===== one page scroll view right
shift + page up ===== 10px scroll view up
page up ===== one page scroll view up

general keyboard command_14 (channels)

cmd + opt +  ~ ===== load composite with selection
cmd + opt +  \ ===== load layer mask with selection
cmd + opt + 1 to 9 ===== load selection channel 1 to 9
cmd + 1 to 9 ===== 1 to 9 select channel
cmd + ~ ===== composite channel select
cmd + \ ===== layer mask (channel) select
~ ===== view channel/rubylith
shift + ~ ===== composite channel show
\  ===== layer mask with rubylith

general keyboard command_15 (blending modes)

shift + - (minus) ===== backward cycle blending modes
shift + + (plus) ===== forward cycle blending modes
opt + shift + q ===== behind
opt + shift + r ===== clear
opt + shift + c ===== color
opt + shift + b ===== color burn
opt + shift + d ===== color dodge
opt + shift + k ===== darken
opt + shift + e ===== difference
opt + shift +  i ===== dissolve
opt + shift + x ===== exclusion
opt + shift + h ===== hard light
opt + shift + l ===== hard mix/threshold
opt + shift + u ===== hue
opt + shift + g ===== lighten
opt + shift + a ===== linear burn
opt + shift + w ===== linear dodge
opt + shift + j ===== linear light
opt + shift + y ===== luminosity
opt + shift + m ===== multiply
opt + shift + n ===== normal
opt + shift + o ===== overlay
opt + shift + z ===== pin light
opt + shift + t ===== saturation
opt + shift + s ===== screen
opt + shift + f ===== soft light
opt + shift + v ===== vivid light
opt + shift + p ===== pass through
opt + shift + d ===== desaturate
opt + shift + s ===== saturate 
opt + shift + h ===== highlights
opt + shift + m ===== midtones
opt + shift + s ===== shadows


thanks for the comments & the moment