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Thursday, November 5, 2015

windows 10 shortcut keys

windows 10 general commands _ 1
what happens
search (file / folder)
display address bar list
in a window / on the desktop cycle / rotation through screen elements
activate the menu bar
alt + f4
close / exit active program / app
alt + esc
cycle opened items
alt + (underlined letter)
command for that letter
alt + enter
display properties
alt + space bar
open shortcut menu
alt + left arrow
go back
alt + right arrow
go forward
alt + page up
move up (one screen)
alt + page down
move down (one screen)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Visual Studio .NET 2003 Shortcut Keys Command

Visual Studio .NET 2003 Shortcut Keys Command
command                      what happen
Ctrl + K =Conditional Down
Ctrl + Shift + J = Conditional Up Extend
Alt + Shift + F11 = Debug Memory Prev Format (Debugging)
Ctrl + Shift + B = Layout Arrange Buttons Bottom (Layout)
Alt + F7 =Project Settings (Project)
Ctrl + Shift + F8 =Select Column
Ctrl + G =Select Dialog Guide Type
Ctrl + F8 =Select Line (Editing)
Ctrl + 7 = Insert Accelerator Table (Inserting)
Ctrl + 5 = Insert Bitmap (Inserting)
Ctrl + 8 = Insert String Table (Inserting)
Ctrl + 6 =Insert Toolbar (Inserting)
Ctrl + 9 = Insert Version Info (Inserting)
Alt + Shift + L = Sentence Cut (Editing)
Alt + 3 = ActivateWatchWindow (View)
Alt + F2 = Book marks (Editing)