general key command_1 (xpress + file + edit menu)
ctrl + alt + shift + y ===== display preferencesctrl + q ===== quit/exit
ctrl + n ===== new project
ctrl + alt + n ===== new library
ctrl + o ===== open
ctrl + w ===== close
ctrl + s ===== save
ctrl + shift + s ===== save as
ctrl + e ===== import
ctrl + alt + e ===== save text
ctrl + alt + a ===== append
ctrl + alt + shift + s ===== save as eps (format)
ctrl + p ===== print
ctrl + opt + p ===== output job
ctrl + z ===== undo
ctrl + y ===== redo
ctrl + x ===== cut
ctrl + c ===== copy
ctrl + v ===== paste
ctrl + alt + shift + v ===== paste in place
ctrl + a ===== select all
ctrl + f ===== find/change
ctrl + alt + f ===== find/change close
ctrl + alt + y ===== preferences dialog box with paragraph pane
alt + shift + f12 ===== preferences dialog box with trapping pane
tools palette double-click tool ===== preferences dialog box with tools pane
shift + f11 ===== show style sheet's dialog box
shift + f12 ===== show color's dialog box
ctrl + alt + j ===== show h and js dialog box
ctrl + y ===== redo
ctrl + x ===== cut
ctrl + c ===== copy
ctrl + v ===== paste
ctrl + alt + shift + v ===== paste in place
ctrl + a ===== select all
ctrl + f ===== find/change
ctrl + alt + f ===== find/change close
ctrl + alt + y ===== preferences dialog box with paragraph pane
alt + shift + f12 ===== preferences dialog box with trapping pane
tools palette double-click tool ===== preferences dialog box with tools pane
shift + f11 ===== show style sheet's dialog box
shift + f12 ===== show color's dialog box
ctrl + alt + j ===== show h and js dialog box