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Saturday, February 4, 2012

illustrator cs5 shortcuts keys for windows

general shortcuts_1

illustrator cs5 shortcuts keys, illustrator cs5 shortcuts keys command, illustrator cs5 shortcuts keys for windows, illustrator cs5 shortcuts keys command for windows,
v ===== selection tool
a ===== direct selection tool
y ===== magic wand tool
q ===== lasso tool
p ===== pen tool
t ===== type tool
\ ===== line segment tool
m ===== rectangle tool
l ===== ellipse tool
b ===== paintbrush tool
n ===== pencil tool
shift + b ===== blob brush tool
shift + e ===== eraser tool
c ===== scissors tool
shift + w ===== width tool
shift + m ===== shape builder tool
g ===== gradient tool
i ===== eyedropper tool
shift + p ===== perspective grid tool
k ===== live paint bucket tool
shift + l ===== live paint selection tool
shift + o ===== art board tool
h ===== hand tool
z ===== zoom tool

general shortcuts_2

ctrl + n ===== newctrl + o ===== open
ctrl + w ===== close
shift +
ctrl + s ===== save as/create adode pdf etc. file
ctrl + s ===== save
x ===== toggle between fill and stroke
shift + x ===== swap fill and stroke
d ===== default colors
ctrl + 0 ===== fit art board in window
alt +
ctrl + 0 ===== fit all in window
ctrl + plus (+) ===== zoom in
ctrl + minus (-) ===== zoom out
ctrl + tilde (~) ===== toggle forwards between open documents
ctrl + shift + tilde (~) ===== toggle backwards between open documents
tab ===== show/hide all panels
f ===== cycle through screen modes
ctrl + d ===== repeat previous action
alt + drag ===== draw/scale from center
alt + drag ===== duplicate selection
ctrl + y ===== view outlines
ctrl + r ===== show/hide rulers
alt + r ===== registered trademark symbol ®
alt + g ===== copyright symbol ©
alt + 8 ===== bullet character •

1 comment:

thanks for the comments & the moment